Purchase Order Container

By AlmaLab | 15 August, 2017

The use case

Purchase Orders (PO) often necessitate the need to transfer documents between the purchaser and suppliers.

The solution out of the boxxd

The use of a Transport°Boxxd as a PO transport unit is advantageous for all parties. It offers a generic structure with:

  • Home for easy navigation, linking the enclosed assets.
  • Items directory where descriptions of the items can be found.
  • Source directory for sources such as CAD diagrams.
  • Talk directory for special customer presentations
  • Works directory for accompanying documentation
  • integrated Help if needed.

On the Home page the various contents are listed such as:

  • Component CAD drawings (in Source),
  • Bill-of-Materials (BOM), parts configuration management information (in Works->Assets).
  • Licensing (in Works->Legal),,
  • Specification of the product (in Works->Product),
  • Expected quality standards and specifications (in Works->Quality )
  • Information about delivery, logistics (in Works->Logistic)
  • Details about building and packaging (in Works->Build )
  • How to edit and change the product (in Works->Design).


Boxxd as a transport unit offers several advantages:

  1. Easy to set up by non-technical personal.
  2. Easy to edit and update with Markdown so that your assistant can do updates.
  3. _Edit with a plain text editor i.e. do it on every operating system.
  4. Flexible structure to fit your needs.
  5. Reduce support questions by easily extending the integrated Help or even using it for your documentation.
  6. Add typical frequently asked questions to the FAQ.
  7. One package to integrate all assets such as sources, contracts, documentation, licenses, etc.
  8. If you have lots of POs, it’s structure and the embedded wiring is optimised for the automated building of the package.
  9. Easy transport - It can be sent as a directory to be placed online i.e. Dropbox, or be zipped to be downloaded, be sent per email, be put on DVD, etc.
  10. Open source