The products

By PxLab | 21 August, 2017

An overview

The Boxxd products and services are:


  • Universal digital container - myBoxxd
  • Apps that run in myBoxxd
  • Pre-packaged solutions - Boxxdlets
  • Tool°Boxxd
  • Automation tools

Premium Boxxdlets

  • Boxxdlets with training materials or for venture bootstrapping

Integration Services

  • Using and integrating boxxds
  • Premium support

Tip: If you are looking for a boxxd to download, you can find them in the /download area.

A breakdown of the products


Boxxd’s end user product is the myBoxxd - a digital boxxd containing javascript apps that can be used as helpers for work, such as presenting products, talking about things, organising documents, TODOs, showing data.

They can be downloaded, copied to disk and be used straight away - straight out of the boxxd.


Boxxds come in various forms and sizes i.e. for projects, teams, etc.

These pre-packaged solutions are called Boxxdlets and contain productivity boosters such as document, meeting, issue tracker templates, or complete pre-configured directory structures for startups.


For app builders there is the Tool°Boxxd - a collection of components which can be used to build a boxxd. More details about components is in the /doc/components section.


To support organisations who are are optimising workflows, the boxxds are pre-configured with Wiring, a logical structure which can be used by the IT-Admin or DevOps to integrate them into automated processes.

List of boxxds