Utils (Utilities)

By DocLab | 16 August, 2017


Utils (an abbreviated form of utilities) are small programs which help to do something and are needed by the apps. They are generally javascripts.

An example of such use is the app Talk which calls on the util (example util-remark-js) to process the presentation of the plain text and convert it into a slideshow.

Utils belongs to the Tool°Boxxd of components which can be used to build your own myBoxxd.

Note: If you want a pre-packaged solution, start off with a boxxdlet or if you are building a myBoxxd, with a seed.

Example javascripts

Example javascripts are:

  • remark.js - A script for easily creating slideshows from a Markdown text.
  • reveal.js - The reveal javascript creates slideshows which can be navigated horizontally as well as vertically.
  • impress.js - Impress creates slideshows with zooming, rotating slides and 3-D effects.
  • Markdeep.js - Markdeep creates a browser readable document out of a long Markdown text file.


The utils are pre-packaged with their own help file, the software itself, wiring information and sometimes with other files such as css, a demo, etc.

The software itself is stored in its own directory under .wiring/lib/.

Util packages

A list of the utilities packages that have been released and are ready to be downloaded:

Markdeep Utility

Description: The Markdeep utility is used to render Markdown documents as html in a browser.
Version: 0.1.0
Author(s): Boxxd Development,
Language(s): English,
Download: util-markdeep-js-en.v1.zip

Remark Utility

Description: The Remark utility is used to render Markdown documents as a slideshow in html in a browser.
Version: 0.1.0
Author(s): Boxxd Development,
Language(s): English,
Download: util-remark-js-en.v1.zip